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Florida (Stellar MLS area)

Stellar MLS Covers the following Florida counties as the primary mls local agents and brokers use to find properties for their buyer clients. Pinellas, Sumter, Marion, Alachua, Flager, Volusia, Seminole, Okeechobee, Osceola, Polk, Orange, Lake, Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte, Hardee, Desota

2 Listing Plans to Choose From:

Plan 1     Flat Fee MLS Listings $299 (sale or rent)

  • 6 Month property listing in your local MLS.
  • Up to 50 photos and virtual tours provided by seller uploaded to the listing.
  • Listing displayed on many 85+ participating web sites and netrealtynow.com social media.
  • Unlimited text editing of your MLS listing.
  • Comparable sales information on similar properties if available.
  • No hidden fees or processing fees at closing.
  • Retain the right to sell without broker participation.
  • Buyer leads forwarded to seller.
  • Legal documents and property disclosures to complete the transaction.

Plan 2     Full Support Flat Fee Property Listing ($1899)

  • 12 month property listing in your local MLS.
  • Up to 50 photos and virtual tours (supplied by Seller) uploaded to the listing.
  • Marketing through 85+ affiliated websites and advertising with facebook, instagram, twitter and youtube.
  • Unlimited text editing of your MLS listing.
  • Comparable sales information on similar properties if available.
  • All paper work from beginning to end completed electronically.
  • Unlimited Consulting Services including marketing advice, contract negotiations, and complete guidance through the entire selling process.
  • The cost is $1899. $399 is paid at time of listing and $1500 paid at closing of the transaction.


Important things to know before listing with netrealtynow.com

Property is listed in the local realtor mls system by licensed real estate broker who is a member of National Association of Realtors and is guided by the adopted realtor code of ethics.

Your property listing is the same as any other listing in the system. We recommend 2.5% commission to buyers agents, but the commission amount offered is totally up to the seller but it is required.

Seller contact info is displayed in the listing and as the showing contact for the property. Agents will call homeowner to schedule showings or follow other showing instructions that maybe in the listing at sellers request.

Showing time is an added future ($50 for plan 1) which allows agents to schedule showings online. It is set up for the property seller to receive a showing notifications by email and/or text for every scheduled showing.

After the property listing is activated it is automatically fed into 84 participating websites. A list of these sites can be seen on ListHub.com and includes all the most popular local and national residential real estate sites.

Property owner contact info is not permitted in the written description of the mls listing and cannot be sent out to the participating public websites. Your FSBO zillow listing will be overwritten by the new netrealtynow.com listing. Zillow and the public websites will display netrealtynow.com as the listing broker, and if any potential buyers contact us regarding your property their info will be forwarded to you by email.

Stellas MLS allows up to 150 photos, Photo files must be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc) if a specific display order is desired. Broker will display them in order of importance if the photos are not numbered for sequence. Fees may apply for excessive photo editing. Open house notifications and text edits are free of charge but we ask that you spend the time to carefully review the listing initially and advise us on all needed corrections when the property is first listed to minimize the need ongoing edits. Edits are completed with 24 hours of the email request excluding weekends. Edits and open house notifications needed for the weekend must be in our inbox by close of business on Thursdays (midnight).

We must be notified with in 24 hours of the property going under contract by emailing us a copy of the ratified contract so we can update the property status in the mls and file the copy of the contract. Within 24 hours of the closing we require that you send us a copy of the final closing statement so we can close out the mls listing as required and file the paperwork.

Thank you using my listing service. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thomas Hennerty
Licensed RE Broker DC, MD, NY, VA


List Your Property


Two ways to list:

  1. Fill out the online form above by simply selecting "List Your Property".
  2. Print the listing agreement and data input form below fill it out, scan it and email to netrealty@netrealtynow.com.
    NOTE: Read and understand Paragraph 6, then add your initials. Additionally, mark your initials on either Plan 1 or 2 to indicate your chosen plan.

  Listing agreement
  Single Family Data Input

Contact Info

Thomas S. Hennerty
Licensed in DC, VA, MD, NY & FL

Netrealtynow.com llc.


8280 Willow Oaks Corp Dr. Ste 600
Fairfax, VA 22031